To all participants and supporters of the Amaizing Sweet Corn Glean-a-Thon and Sweet Corn Festival, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to you for your unwavering dedication and enthusiasm that made this year’s event a resounding success. The After the Harvest team is immensely thankful for your continued support.
Tag: Driscoll’s
If you’d like to help with food rescue operations, you can volunteer to participate in gleaning. This involves going out to farms, orchards, and other sites where fresh food is grown and harvesting it to be distributed to those in need. This helps to ensure that food that would otherwise go to waste is put to good use.
August 13, 2022 Just in! We met our goal! 50,000+ ears of sweet corn donated to local agencies Plus, meet the teams, sponsors, and farmers behind our 2022 Amaizing Sweet Corn Glean-A-Thon! Click to read After the Harvest’s August newsletter.
Letter from our Executive DirectorAugust 13, 2022 To all who participated in our Amaizing Sweet Corn Glean-a-Thon and Sweet Corn Festival, the team at After the Harvest says THANK YOU! A big thanks to our co-hosting partner, the National Agricultural Hall of Fame and Museum, that hosted the Sweet Corn Festival on their grounds, and […]